Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Crochet Appliqué Crown

While looking through Pinterest, as that seems to be my nightly ritual, I noticed one of my friends found a blog containing the instructions for crocheting a Crown appliqué .  I immediately repinned it and pulled out my crochet hook and my metallic silver yarn (that I actually had on hand I might add).  Since it took a whole 3 minutes before I was working the pattern, I didn't even notice that the author of the pattern had written it in English terms and not American.  How many of you knew there was a difference...show of hands...I myself only found this out recently and I've been crocheting for (dare I actually say it) 26 years now.  After a quick google search to make sure I was translating it correctly, I made an absolutely beautiful crown.

Now what to do with it?  The pattern gave a few suggestions but all of them included sewing it to something else.  Since it was now 15 minutes after initially finding the pattern, I had nothing else made up to use.  I may crochet fast but I'm not a miracle worker.  It did look pretty cute on its own though.  After holding it up to my daughter's head and playing with the positioning, I decided to sew it to an elastic strap and voila...a super cute crown was able to sit perfectly on my daughter's sweet little head!

As a courtesy for everyone, I decided to translate the pattern into American terms.  Definitely check out the original blog though!  The author has some great pictures.  http://sarahlondon.wordpress.com/2013/07/25/commemorative-crocheted-crown/

Royal Baby Crown
Ch 13.
1st Row: Work 1 sc into 2nd ch from hook, work 1 sc into ea ch across, ch 1 turn.
2nd Row: Work 1 dc into each sc across, ch 1 turn.
3rd Row: Work 1 sc into each dc across, turn.
4th Row: Sl st into first 2 sts, * ch 3, skip 1 st, work 1 sc into next st, rep from * 4 times, sl st into remaining last 2 sts, turn.
5th Row: Ch 6, work 1 dc into ch-3 loop, ch 4, work 1 dc into next ch-3 loop, ch 6, work 1 dc into next ch-3 loop, ch 4, work 1 dc into next ch-3 loop, ch 6, sl st into last st, turn.
6th Row: Work 6 sc into ch-6 loop, work 4 sc into ch-4 loop, work 4 sc, ch 3, 4 sc into ch-6 loop, work 4 sc into ch-4 loop, work 6 sc into ch-6 loop.
Fasten off.

Again, I am by no means trying to claim this pattern as my own.  I'm just trying to make it more accessible and spread this great pattern to more people!
As always, enjoy and happy crocheting!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Pea pod cocoon

You never know when inspiration is going to hit.  I randomly came across a picture of a crocheted cocoon yesterday that I absolutely loved!  It was made for twins and was absolutely precious.  Well I knew it would be perfect for a close friend of mine who is expecting twin girls.  So after I got off work yesterday, I ran to Joann's.  I had the exact yarn in mind for the project and boy was it my lucky day because it was on sale too!

After coming home with my perfect yarn, making dinner, playing with the kids, and putting them to bed, I had some time to sit down and work on it.  I didn't have a planned pattern, I just started crocheting and look at the result...

Hopefully my friend will be able to get some awesome pics of her precious little girlies in their pea pod.  Now I just need to write down my pattern before I forget it. :)

Monday, July 8, 2013

Minion Hat

I alway's make it a priority to celebrate every holiday to its fullest.  This year for the 4th of July, despite coming down with strep throat, I was determined to still have a great day.  After getting out for the local parade that morning, we took the kids to the theater to see Despicable Me 2.  I let my son wear his minion hat, even though it was scorching hot outside.  He was adorable!  Even a father in the theater asked where we got the hat.  I love watching the look on people's faces when I say that I made it. :)

Watching the movie and seeing how adorable my son was in his hat has inspired me to try to finish up the pattern.  I never realized how involved the hat is and how many different colors you need...yellow, black, white, grey, brown, red, and blue.  Crazy, huh?!  Who would have thought this cute little creature would be so involved!

I hope to finish the pattern soon but in the meantime, I brought the custom hat back to my etsy shop.  Check it out!